I could write this entire blog about why Reagan was the worst president, ever, but I will just focus on his ineptness and the decrease to the NEA.
He was the first president to decrease the NEA (while gov't spending rose by 25%, even though republicans will deny it). He wanted to privatize the public-sector, which kinda seems like an oxymoron. Since Reagan's dynasty of terror, the NEA has never recovered.
"At a Reagan-birthday banquet Friday in Santa Barbara, conservatives gathered to party like it was 1980. In her keynote speech, Alaska half-term Gov. Sarah Palin blasted what she said was out-of-control growth in government spending today.
It's often hard to know what Palin is talking about, but she couldn't have been talking about the arts. The NEA's current budget stands at a puny $168 million, less than when her idol left office. Inflation adjusted, that's a 48% decline in NEA spending since Reagan went to Washington 30 years ago"
Oh, Reagan, how some historians are trying to give you a face lift you do not deserve.
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