Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another republican governor cuts the arts, is anyone surprised?

Well, it's not like I was ever planning on living in Kansas. But, to make my point even clearer, yet another republican governor has cut local funding for the arts. Kansas Governor, Sam Brownback, has cut the $600,000 that the state allocates for the Kansas Arts Commission.

I for one am in favor of cutting the arts. The state of Kansas cannot afford to waste their entire budget on the arts. With a 500M dollar budget, cutting funding to the arts will clearly put Kansas back in the black. The government should not be wasting my hard earned tax dollars on the arts, clearly they have no impact on the state; it is not like it attracts tourism, or contributes to society. It is just one more thing that once the government cuts will disappear, because I am tired of the government fully funding these organizations.  We do not want to be like socialist Canada.
