Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reviving the Honolulu Symphony

I accidentally stumbled across an article about the efforts that are currently underway to restore the Honolulu Symphony. The symphony filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy in November 2009. We have spent a lot of time talking about why the arts are important for a community and how we can make people feel that they are vital. This article is a nice reminder that some people really do believe that and are working to revive the symphony. A group of prominent business and civic community leaders, led by Steve Monder who recently retired from the CSO, have been meeting with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs about the symphony. The group states that "it would be a shame if Hawaii does not have a world class symphony..." because they are "the crossroads of the Pacific, and culturally we'd be starving if we don't have a symphony...and I think the youth would really suffer." All excellent reasons! Hopefully there will be broad community support for their efforts and the Honolulu Symphony can come into existance again.

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