Some people really love lowercase letters. And the arts.
Local marketing firm lpk has launched an artswave supportive campaign showcasing how its staff and their families support the arts in Cincinnati. Lining storefronts are beautiful banners of people doing something artistic. CCM Arts Administration graduate Khoa Nguyen is showcased playing the trumpet, while Natalie, and "LPK Kid" is shown doing ballet. Each banner gives has either a quote from the participant, or a general statement about the strengths of having strong arts in your community.
It's exciting to see this support from a for profit non(directly)arts related company. Check out the banners by visiting Thadd Fiala's blog: Thadd and Milan
Is this supposed to do something for the arts?
ReplyDeleteIt is always nice to see the for-profit sector supporting the arts. Do other companies in Cincinnati do something similar to LPK?